Wu Wei

 "..in the pursuit of knowledge every day something is added. Less and less do you need to force things, until finally you arrive at non-action...""

Wu Wei

Wu Wei is the study of The Dao or the Supreme Unseen yet Felt Force that controls and regulates the whole Universe. Generally it involves the understanding of the Universal Force that surrounds us and learning how to attract it to generate the energy within our being. This force is referred to as the Chi force by the Chinese sages. The scientific view is that this  force is actually the centrifugal and centripetal forces of the Universe that governs all the planets.

As force is an unseen energy, the aspirant must develop their sense of feelings in order to position themselves in the correct and precise posture that allows the forces to travel through their being. All the above practise must occur without performing any voluntary actions as the Dao will generate movements necessary in order to do anything that needs doing. The only action one is allowed is to breathe deeply without any stress.

The Master does nothing yet leaves nothing undone. The main secret in doing nothing is

that the aspirant must practise the art of floating and hanging from the heavens whilst standing

in the correct posture and breathing gently with a focused mind.

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